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Teaching and Learning

Teaching and learning are the core purpose of St Mary's School.

Children are engaged and motivated by an irresistible curriculum which inspires them to strive constantly for personal bests within an atmosphere of challenge and support. Assessment is an integral part of learning and children are expected to be a key part of the assessment process, analysing their own performance and having a clear understanding of their next steps.

We believe that ability is not fixed and that all children can make progress, given opportunities to challenge themselves. Therefore we do not group children in fixed ability groupings; instead, we support an ethos of challenge and choice where children are expected to strive for personal bests.

We are an inclusive learning community and all of our children have access to a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum which inspires them to learn every day. We have high expectations of our children and support them all to to do their very best. SEND pupils, EAL (English as an Additional Language) and Pupil Premium children have the same access to the full curriculum and if necessary, they are given the support they need to succeed. 

For further information, please follow the link to our Teaching, Learning, Curriculum and Assessment Policy. 

Our curriculum supports and is, in turn supported by the Rights Respecting School initiative run by UNICEF which encourages schools to place the UN convention on the Rights of the child at the heart of its ethos and curriculum. Underpinning everything is our school vision and values; 'Faith, Family Future - building a positive future for all as part of God's loving family.'

To view the detailed curriculum overview for each class, please go to the class pages within the 'Children' tab.

Here you will also find half termly overviews of the specific teaching and learning for each class. These are also sent our to parents at the beginning of each term.

Our curriculum is founded on the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and the National Curriculum 2014. Please click on the sections on the right to see the whole school overviews for each curriculum subject.